#GC2022 is accepting submissions - 25d 27h 05m 44s

Daniel González Rodríguez
Goals and motivations
Contribute to the equitable development of Colombian society, characterized by high concentration of wealth that results in social inequality, lack of opportunities for education, health and access to housing and basic services. From these reasons, my project development is tilted towards the analysis and development of proposals for collective equipment, Habitat and Housing, raised in urban and rural contexts, linked to theories of architecture of the place, also, in the research field my interests focus on the spatial and aesthetic exploration linked to culture, as well as the sociopolitical factors that influence the construction and consolidation of habitat and popular housing within the Latin American context phenomena.
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Member since:
4 August 2016
Last login:
26 October 2016
Based in:
calle 68 # 27B-27, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Fields of expertise:
architecture/ design, landscape architecture, urbanism, history, renovation and rehabilitation
 meeting place
La Guadaleja park: collective requalification of public habitat
Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia
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